Grave Digging or Grace Digging?
Jesus is ALIVE and the tomb is empty and that's something we should be excited about...
If you are bothered or irritated because of our celebration and excitement about what Jesus has done for us and what He is doing in our church—I’m not going to apologize.
You’re more than welcome to go lay back down in your coffin and cover up if you want to—but we’re not digging graves here. We’re planting gardens.
If our excitement seems detached from reality to you; it's because your not thankful for what we have been given, and your vision is blind to see what we can see…
We CELEBRATE now, what we ANTICIPATE God is about to do.
It’s exciting because it’s ALIVE.
The excitement is not manufactured; it's a genuine response to the vibrancy of our faith!
Sorry, that our walk with Jesus is not boring!
Sorry that our services are full of excitement and life!
Sorry that People are finding hope, being set free, and coming alive!
Just kidding... I'm not sorry.
I think Church Should be exciting, and following Jesus to the edge of your faith and seeing the impossible come to pass is worth celebrating .
It's the thrill of being part of a journey that is filled with hope, love, and the promises of God.
Does that mean everything is butterflies and rainbows?
NO. We have pain that is real, trials that are difficult and hearts that get broken.
But THIS is deliberate choice to embrace gratitude, cultivate positivity, and anticipate the wonders of a living and active faith in a God who can do immeasurably MORE than what we can ask or imagine.
So, while some may choose to lie down in the shadows, we stand, rooted in faith, and plant gardens of Grace with seeds of joy, hope, and anticipation.
THE BEST IS YET TO COME-Not just something we say, it is how we live.
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