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A few thoughts on an amazing day at DreamCity Church…

  • What God is doing right now in our church is incredible…I love my church!
  • Worship today was awesome!
  • Once again thank you to all of our amazing volunteers who help and show up every week! 
  • If you would like to join us for preservice prayer on Sundays it happens at 8:15am! 
  • Saw a SEVEN people choose Jesus today for salvation! That NEVER gets old!
  • Taught on our second week of our new series Spiritual Warfare! 
  • One of the reasons I’m so excited about our church is because this is a place were people can cry out….
  • Jesus doesn’t just hear our cry, HE MOVES towards us when we cry out for him!
  • One of the mistakes people often make is to think they can follow Christ without the church AND the people in the church.
  • If you are suffering alone today….Jesus hears your cry.
  • I once heard it said that a persons first step away from God is usually a step away from the people of God.
  • If Peter walked away from Christ and his friends (Matthew 26:56), THEN tried to follow Jesus at a distance AND also placed himself in a very unhealthy environment (Matthew 26:58) which led to him eventually denying Christ (Matthew 26:69-75) then the SAME THING will happen to us if we follow in those steps.
  • Church isn’t supposed to be a castle of condemnation but a basement of Grace!
  • We’re called to be SERIOUS in our walk with Christ (Hebrews 10:22) which means we refuse to give up (Hebrews 10:23) by allowing ourselves to be in REAL community where tough conversations (Hebrews 10:24) and encouragement (Hebrews 10:25) can take place.
  • The church should be a place where it is ok to not be ok.
  • Church isn’t supposed to be a castle of condemnation but a basement of Grace…
  • One of the MOST uncomfortable things we deal with is asking for help! But Jesus always calls us out of our comfort!
  • I forgot to mention this today…The town that Jesus and his disciples were leaving was a fishing village named “Capernaum” LITERALLY translated —A PLACE OF COMFORT
  • Just think how much pain could have been avoided in the church if people would have felt free to follow the command given in James 5:16! (BTW…healing comes only through confession!!!)
  • The reason we don’t confess and ask for help is because we are afraid of what people might think about us…not understanding that the consequences of concealment are SO much greater than the consequences of confession!
  • The Storm you are facing is evidence of our significance!
  • In most church backgrounds people Say the storm is evidence of your sinfulness…NOT TRUE! 
  • The only reasons the disciples face the storm is because they were doing what Jesus has called them to do….
  • The enemy was working to discourage the disciples, to get them to question their calling.
  • The enemy was working hard to keep these guys from buying into what Jesus was doing in their lives! They were significant! 
  • Thieves don’t break into Empty Houses…We have to push through!
  • Unfortunately…the church in America usually shoots their wounded rather than helping them get back on their feet.
  • People that are Christians really do struggle with sin…the battle IS intense…and we really do need one another to overcome those temptations!
  • Every good thing I have learned about God, I learned going through a storm!
  • Yes I believe that the devil can send a storm! See Job chapter 1, Job lost almost his entire family because of a storm sent by SATAN!
  • Getting fired, lied about, and feeling like I was lost, was hard, it was my storm, but Jesus SPOKE in my storm! 
  • Every storm allows us to see Jesus more clearly.
  • He did not change my circumstances he changed my perspective…What Jesus Speaks is STRONGER than our storm!
  • Sometimes the greatest miracle is not when God changes our circumstances but when God changes our perspective in our circumstances.
  • I really have enjoyed preaching this series! 
  • Saw LOTS of people stop by the prayer tent today to get prayer today…thought that was AWESOME!
  • Remember NEXT SUNDAY is our Fellowship Sunday Lunch and DC KID's are throwing a water party with bounces houses and water balloons and games!
  • Cannot WAIT until NEXT WEEK! Seriously…let’s do ALL WE CAN as a church to get as many people here next week to hear the Gospel! -PZ

Hey there! I really appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog. We are committed to creating an environment where people can meet Jesus every single week! If you're interested in contributing financially to Dream City Church and helping us create more amazing content like this, tap the Give button below to continue supporting the incredible work of Jesus in our church! -PZ

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Check out our Live Video about Dream City Church!
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