Blog Layout

Today was AMAZING!!!!

Today at Dream City was MINDBLOWING!

My prayer is that through today’s message, those held in bondage to a past dominated by any sin were set free…

…and that those captive to a religious attitude were deeply troubled and offended.

If Jesus was passionate about offering forgiveness, then I believe His church should be as well!

Escaping to Egypt eventually led to needing to escape from Egypt.

What we RUN to can become what we are enslaved to, if not careful.

Stuck between the obstacle and opposition creates anxiety; God turns opposition into opportunity.

Moses' "stand still" advice clashes with God's call to move towards the obstacle, not opposition.

Confession breaks shackles; in church, it is vital for overcoming obstacles and embracing opportunities.

God turns opposition into an opportunity, displaying His glory and bringing joy.

Israelites' faith guided them through the obstacle, turning worry into worship.

A person completely surrendered to God cannot sit still when He clearly says to move.

Jesus did not promise a life free of pain and trouble (see John 16:33) - BUT HE did promise a life that is FULL and more amazing than we could ever imagine (see 1 Corinthians 2:9 and John 10:10). Yes…

I said "porn" like 8 times in a row today to prove a point! It worked!

The Church needs to get uncomfortable pretending to have it all together.

There is more confession happening in Church Basements than has ever taken place in Church sanctuaries!

The Church has never had a problem believing in original sin; we just are surprised when people actually do it.

I challenge EVERYONE to memorize Ephesians 2:10 this week… SERIOUSLY, get out a note card, write that verse on it, and look at it often every day this week!

The band absolutely shredded today, and I’m not sure there was a dry eye in the house when it was over.

When say every Sunday we are doing “Fine”… What we are really saying is that we are…






Generous giving enables a church to do far more in a community than it ever dreamed it could.

So many hours of hard work took place behind the scenes to make today and every Sunday happen at Dream City… from the crew that showed up early on Saturdays to the Children’s & Nursery Volunteers, all the way to the Parking lot team and Greeting teams! THANK YOU!!!—We serve with a great team!

Matthew 6:21 = hard to argue with, especially since JESUS said it!

Matthew 6:24 = got to make a choice! (BTW…the choice has been made according to the above verse… to see who you serve, just take a look at your checkbook!)

I’ve NEVER seen anyone who applied biblical teaching to their finances struggle!

I’ve never seen anyone who put God first in their finances go without.

If you are not a tither yet or you’ve not surrendered this area of your life to Him yet… you can start right here!

Financial freedom doesn’t happen overnight!

You are not waiting on God… God is waiting on you to take a step of faith and trust Him!

Moving through obstacles demands faith, trusting that God helps amid uncertainty.

Egyptians symbolize opposition; facing them is part of the journey toward the miracle.

Faith in God transforms worry into worship, turning obstacles into opportunities.

Anxiety arises between the obstacle and opposition; God turns challenges into chances.

God has called us to LIVE the Gospel… which means being willing to love, give, and serve extravagantly! (God doesn’t do things halfway… His followers shouldn’t either!!!)

Opposition is ALWAYS behind you, and in order for the attack of the enemy to work, it requires you to TURN AROUND… Don’t do it! Stay focused!

Opposition may come, but God transforms it into a manifestation of His glory.

His Glory = Our Joy

Moving through obstacles requires faith, trusting God amid uncertainty.

Who are you asking to come to church Sunday? Found People Find People!

More Random Thoughts I had today…

-You will never win if you keep quitting!

-When you are preparing you are out of step with today but in step with what is happening tomorrow.

-The church waits on the world to create a problem & then responds to it—we need to do church in a way that puts the world on its heels!

-Having to be inspired to do what is right is the lowest form of maturity! (DANG!!!)


-There are people who don’t mind if you fail…but it really bothers them if you succeed.

-Gossip is a symptom of an unfulfilled, boring life. The only way you can focus on my life is because there is nothing happening in yours! (DANG!)

-I want you to be so focused on your future that you don’t have time to talk about other people’s past!

-The definition of diligence is doing a little thing a long time until something big happens.

-I know I say this all the time…but Dream City…our best days are ahead of us…what we have seen so far is only a fraction of what God wants to do through our church!


I Love My Church!

Hey there! I really appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog. We are committed to creating an environment where people can meet Jesus every single week! If you're interested in contributing financially to Dream City Church and helping us create more amazing content like this, tap the Give button below to continue supporting the incredible work of Jesus in our church! -PZ

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