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One of the greatest weapons the Devil will use against you... Are you prepared?

 In Jeremiah 29:11, we hear the Lord tell the nation of Israel through the Prophet Jeremiah, 'I have a plan for you.'

And if God has a plan for them, then we must recognize that He has a plan for us today!

When it comes to the topic of spiritual warfare, it is important to keep in mind that just like God has a great plan for your life, the enemy also has a plan for your life and mine.

However, the enemy's plan will always lead to our destruction...

Since we have been discussing spiritual warfare, we have talked about distractions.

Today, I want to take a look at another weapon of spiritual warfare that we will all face at one time or another: Discouragement.

In Nehemiah 6:3-4, we see the enemy doing everything he can to distract Nehemiah from what God has called him to do... But none of it worked!

And when the enemy couldn't distract Nehemiah, he tried something different.

In Nehemiah 6:5-9, the enemy tries the discouragement route.

In this passage, we see the enemy sending an OPEN LETTER to Nehemiah, which meant anyone could read it.

It was equivalent to calling everyone on the phone or posting it on social media for everyone to see in today's world.

The enemy tried to use this letter to sway everyone's opinion of Nehemiah. 

Not only that, but the letter everyone was reading was a flat-out lie.


I am sure that when Nehemiah eventually read this letter, he must have felt like the world was against him.

We see him actually asking God for strength in Nehemiah 6:9. Why? Because nothing will drain your joy and your strength like discouragement.

Nehemiah was discouraged.

Life can be discouraging.

-We face rejection or criticism in our personal relationships or professional endeavors, making us question our abilities and self-worth.

-We see every other couple that wants a baby get pregnant, and even though we have tried and tried, it doesn't seem to happen for us.

-We raise our kids the best we know how, and they begin making decisions that absolutely break our hearts.

-We're single, (AGAIN) everyone else is getting married, and we know we're better looking! 🤣

We seriously feel like something is wrong with us because the clock is ticking and there is no one in sight.

-We are trying to get ahead financially and are doing well until the car breaks down, and there just isn't a way out of this without taking on more debt.

-A friend makes a promise they will come to church, we wait for them outside, and they never show. We are so tempted to give up on them.

-We work with standards and ethics, yet those who seem to lie and compromise always seem to get the raise and promotion ahead of us, and we wonder if this is worth it.

Life IS unpredictable, and it would be ideal if all of the negative experiences were only reserved for those who deserve them...

...while positive events were exclusively bestowed upon the good guys.

However, this is not how the world works.

Trust me, I wish so badly that we never had to deal with situations that lead us to discouragement.

Jesus says in Matthew 5:45 that God causes the sun to rise on both the evil and the good, and sends rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous.

Sometimes we may experience unexpected outcomes, such as getting sunshine when we need rain or vice versa.

Meanwhile, someone else may be in need of the opposite weather condition.

It's important to understand that these occurrences are part of the natural rhythm of life and not always a result of the devil or any external force.

There are times when it's not the devil, it's just drought.

Here is the point: life happens, not because the world is against you, not because the devil is attacking you.

If every bad thing that happens makes you the victim you will ALWAYS be discouraged...

And if the enemy can convince you that you are a victim, you will NEVER walk in victory!

The devil wants to discourage you, no matter what the weather is doing.

Because discouragement will eventually lead to self-destruction.

That is why we must constantly do two things:

#1 - Remember that God is much bigger than our current set of circumstances.

This truth resonates deeply with me this morning.

As I write this, my daughter Saylor just walked into the room and is sitting with me.

I am reminded of a challenging time in our life when Saylor was only a few months old.

It was during a routine check-up when her doctor expressed concern that she may have had a large hole in her heart.

The news brought a wave of fear and confusion, leaving Cara and I unsure of what the future held for our girl.

In moments like these, it is natural to feel overwhelmed and filled with worry.

The thought of our perfect daughter facing such a serious health issue was almost unbearable.

After undergoing a series of tests at the Arkansas Children's Hospital, it was discovered that nothing was wrong with her heart.

In fact, the doctors explained that she had a condition they called a "musical heart." This term seemed fitting and was a "God-Wink," considering how much Saylor loves music even to this day and wants to grow up to be a worship leader just like her mama.

I am reminded today that even then, when it seemed like things were out of control, God was in control.

During that time, it felt as if the enemy was trying to discourage us, using fear as a powerful weapon. But God's grace allowed us to walk in faith despite the fear we felt!

#2 - Continually pray what Nehemiah prayed in verse nine, "Now strengthen my hands!"

Are you feeling discouraged?

Are you currently facing a situation that seems impossible to overcome?

I want to share with you a powerful truth that brings hope and strength in the midst of challenges: The empty tomb of Jesus.

Every time I find myself faced with an impossible situation, I am reminded of the incredible power and victory displayed through His resurrection.

The fact that Jesus conquered death and rose again gives us the assurance that there is no situation we face that we cannot overcome.

He is not only aware of our circumstances but has already taken care of them even before the foundations of the world were put into place. His wisdom, love, and power surpass any obstacle we may encounter.

When we find ourselves feeling weak or discouraged,

we can turn to God in prayer, just as Nehemiah did...

"Now strengthen my hands!" This simple yet profound prayer is a reminder that we can ask God to strengthen us in times of difficulty.

Trust in the power of Jesus' resurrection and the victory He has already won.

Remember that God is in control, and there is no situation too challenging for Him. He is an awesome and faithful God who will guide you through every step of your journey. - PZ

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