The Christmas Story…is a Story about being CANCELED by the Religious crowd of that day…
AND unfortunately…2000 years later…
things have not changed…
This Sunday, we are kicking off our Christmas Series: Canceled Before Christmas…
FIVE THINGS I am asking everyone at Dream City Church to do to prepare for Church this Weekend!
#1 – If you know someone who is battling depression or anxiety and dreading the Holidays…do WHATEVER it takes to get them to Dream City tomorrow.
#2 – Take some time to read Chapter 2:1-11. What is the one THING the Angel said about Jesus’ birth regarding fear? Who was the angel talking to? Who was canceled?
#3 – Know that THIS SUNDAY will be THE SUNDAY, so many people walking in fear will begin walking AWAY from what holds them now and begin walking WITH Jesus again.
#4 – Know that if YOU are that person who is struggling now to keep your head above water – I honestly believe THIS SUNDAY will be THE MOST HOPE-FILLED SUNDAY you have ever experienced at Church!
#5 – I’m asking everyone at Dream City Church to take 30 seconds right now and ask Jesus to prepare hearts and minds for our services this Sunday… so that people will find PEACE!
Come Join US! Sunday Morning! 10:30AM! Located: 785 CR 539 Alvin, TX 77511
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