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Today Was Pastor's Appreciation Sunday At Dream City Church...

Every Sunday is a GREAT day at DreamCity Church!

(Yes, I believe every Sunday is a GREAT Sunday because when God’s Word is preached, He always does something significant in people’s lives, whether we see it or not! Isaiah 55:8-13)

This Sunday, though, was unlike any other.

We started out with worship as usual, but then—Pastor Cara, my incredible wife, took over the service!

What followed left me speechless as the church surprised me with a time of sharing and testimonies. So many of you spoke from the heart about what it has meant to have me as your pastor.

I can’t even put into words how much that moved me.

And just when I thought I couldn’t feel more honored, you all turned and did the same for Cara—what a beautiful tribute to my amazing wife!

To say we feel loved by our church family would be an understatement.

We are overwhelmed with gratitude for each of you.

I truly love being your Pastor, and today’s service was a reminder that all the hard work, the ups and downs, and the challenges have been worth it!

This past year has been a journey I didn’t see coming, but God has been with us every step of the way.

A year ago, I faced one of the hardest moments in my ministry...

It was unexpected and left me wondering how anything good could come from it.

But now, looking back, I am in awe of what God has done.

He has taken what felt like a setback and turned it into something far greater than I could have ever imagined.

God has provided for our church.

He has honored our perseverance and faith.

And He has EVEN GREATER things ahead for us!

Today, as I listened to the stories of how Jesus has transformed lives in our church, I couldn’t help but weep.

And yes, Cara called it an “ugly cry,” but those tears were not from heartbreak—they were from overwhelming gratitude.

Gratitude that Jesus has always been exactly who He says He is.

He has never failed to meet us where we are, even in the moments of uncertainty and pain...

From the time we first gathered in our living room, unsure of what the future held, to now—God has been planting seeds.

And today, we are seeing those seeds grow into something beautiful here at Dream City Church.

I also want to take a moment to thank my wife, Cara, who has been my greatest supporter, confidante, and partner in ministry.

She’s more than just the woman who stood by my side through it all—she’s been the quiet strength behind so much of what we do.

Thank you, Cara, for leading with grace, for loving our church family so fiercely, and for being my biggest cheerleader. I couldn’t do this without you.

And to our Dream City family—thank you not only for loving me and Cara but also for loving our kids so well.

It means the world to us that you’ve embraced them with open arms, showering them with love and making them feel valued as part of this ministry!

Seeing our kids so cared for and loved by you is one of the greatest blessings we could ever ask for.

Your love, support, and prayers have sustained me in ways you’ll never fully know.

Thank you for allowing me to serve as your pastor.

Thank you for loving me, even when it wasn’t easy.

Thank you for seeing my flaws and choosing to love me anyway.

Thank you for your prayers, your presence, and your faithfulness.

Thank you for trusting me to lead this community.

We are so grateful for each of you.

This Pastor’s Appreciation Sunday has been nothing short of overwhelming, and I love you all more than words can say.

I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us next!


I Love My Church!


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Today Was Pastor's Appreciation Sunday At Dream City Church...
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