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The Power Of A Seed.

When it comes to the challenges we face in life, especially concerning spiritual warfare, it's important to recognize that the enemy's main goal is to derail us from our true God-given purpose.

And his favorite weapon? Discouragement. 

I remember a time in my life when I felt the weight of discouragement trying to hold me back.

I knew what Jesus was calling me to do...

But there were countless obstacles in my path.

The enemy used every opportunity to place doubt in my mind, making me question my abilities and the direction of the Lord.

Discouragement has a way of keeping us stagnant, preventing us from taking that next crucial step towards our purpose.

It paralyzes our potential and compounds with every other issue in our lives-That's why we HAVE TO deal with discouragement FAST!

(See Ephesians 4:26; the greek word here for anger is the same used in Colossians 3:21...Where Paul is telling father's not to provoke their Children to (anger) or they will become discouraged)

It's like a dark cloud that hovers over us, casting a shadow on our self-worth and abilities. 

The question we all HAVE to ask is "WHY does the enemy work so tirelessly to get us to quit?

The answer lies in a simple, yet profound truth...

The greater the resistance, the greater the destiny. That's the power of a Seed.

With that in mind...

The seed of our calling is dangerous because it holds an immense potential, waiting to be unleashed in the hands of God. 

The enemy understands this truth all too well.

 If he can destroy the seed, he can prevent the entire forest from ever coming to fruition.

He knows that if we give in to discouragement and give up on our dreams, we will never reach our full potential. 

There have been moments in my life when discouragement left me feeling buried, hidden beneath a pile of negative thoughts and setbacks.

However, now I can see that the very things that I thought would bury me, would become the source of my greatest messages. 

But what if we were to shift our perspective?

What if we could see those challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and transformation?

What if the struggles we face are actually preparing us for something greater? 

Just like a seed, you are not meant to remain buried or hidden.

You are not a quitter.

The devil overplayed his hand when he thought he was burying you...

Little did he know, he was actually planting you. 

In those moments of discouragement, we have the choice to rise above and embrace the journey.

We can choose to see the challenges as stepping stones towards our destiny.

Our seed is dangerous, not because it can be destroyed, but because it has the power to grow and flourish despite any obstacles we face. 

So if you find yourself facing discouragement, remember that you are NOT alone.

The enemy may try to derail you, but you have the power to overcome.

Embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth and trust that God has a greater plan... 

You are not buried, you are planted.

And from that place, you will grow, thrive, and become a beacon of hope for others.

Your journey is unique, and it is through the struggles that you will discover your strength, resilience, and the true power of your potential.

Keep pushing forward, knowing that--THE BEST IS YET TO COME 🌱

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