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Howdy everyone! Pastor Z here!

Starting anything new can be both exhilarating and daunting...

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement, but the key to success often lies in patience and persistence.

I am learning that rushing the process, while tempting,

rarely leads to true growth...Instead, growth takes time—a principle illustrated by the life of Abraham.

Abraham was a man who seemingly had it all.

But when God called him, Abraham gave it all up to see God use his life in incredible ways!

He was asked to step out of his comfort zone and leave behind everything familiar. Armed only with a promise from God, Abraham faced the uncertainty of the unknown.

This promise required him to be patient and trust in a plan far greater than he could see.

He had to resist the urge to rush or take shortcuts, understanding that growth and fulfillment were tied to his willingness to wait on God’s timing.

How many times have we missed out on God's best for our lives because we took a shortcut?

Most of the time, I think the reason we take shortcuts is because we want a God thing, which is a good thing, but we don't want it God’s way.

And God's way is nothing like ours.

We choose comfort,

and yet He pulls us towards calling.

Why? Because He planted that potential in you!

He is the only one who truly knows what you are made of.

Comfort and familiarity can be silent killers of potential.

They create an illusion of safety and success but often hold us back from experiencing the full extent of what God has in store.

Listen to me—by stepping out in faith, as Abraham did, we embrace the possibility of new beginnings and the growth that comes with them.

Consider the story of a man who planted a seed.

 He chose a fertile spot, carefully prepared the soil, and planted the seed with hope.

Each day, he watered it and provided sunlight, but he saw no immediate results. Weeks turned into months, and he grew impatient, wondering if the seed would ever sprout.

He faced the temptation to dig up the seed, fearing it wasn’t growing—yet he remained patient, trusting that the seed was developing beneath the surface.

Eventually, a small shoot emerged, and with time and continued care, it grew into a strong, healthy apple tree that bore the best apples he had ever tasted.

What started as a single seed eventually blossomed into an entire apple orchard.

Here’s the point: a seed is not really a seed—it’s a tree, with the potential for millions of seeds inside it!

That’s exactly what the potential God has planted in you is like!

The man’s patience and persistence allowed the seed to flourish into something much greater than he had initially anticipated.

If he had rushed the process, he might have stunted its growth or even destroyed it.

Just as that man needed to wait for the seed to grow, we, too, need patience when starting something new.

 Planting a church, building a community, or even starting a new project—it’s all like planting that single seed. It takes time, effort, and unwavering faith.

Right now, at Dream City Church, we’re STILL in the early stages of nurturing that, with patience and perseverance, will grow into something extraordinary—just like that apple seed blossoming into an orchard.

So here’s my challenge to all of us at Dream City Church:

Let’s step out and step up.

Embrace the growth journey with patience and faith.

Let’s not be discouraged if we don’t see immediate results.

Trust in the process, trust in God’s timing, and watch as our collective efforts and dedication lead to a thriving community that bears fruit in ways we can’t yet fully imagine.

The orchard is coming—it’s just waiting for us to plant those seeds and tend to them with care.

Remember, we’re not just planting seeds for today; we’re planting seeds that will grow into something that will bless generations.

So here’s my challenge to all of us :

 Take a moment this week to reflect on something in your life that you’re eager to see grow—a relationship, a project, a dream, or even your walk with God.

Instead of rushing it, take a step back and trust in God’s timing.

Ask yourself, "Am I trying to force something that needs more time to develop?"

Pray for the patience to wait and the wisdom to know when to act.

Isaiah 40:31 says: “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

Waiting on God isn’t passive; it’s an active trust in His perfect timing.

So let’s dig in, stay faithful, and trust that God’s plan is unfolding right here, right now.

The best is yet to come!


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A Word From Pastor Z

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