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Howdy, Dream City Church!

This weekend, we are talking about our fourth foundation, which will serve as a defining characteristic of our Church!

#4-We believe that you can’t out-give God.

Let’s unpack some powerful insights from the Word that I’m praying will CHANGE the way we view generosity and provision.

Cara and I went on a cruise about ten years ago….It was AWESOME!

Stepping foot onto that cruise ship for the first time remains in my memory, even now as I type this message.

But I can I recall one particular moment even more vividly... 

You see, that evening, we found ourselves standing at the bow of that colossal ship, gazing out over the sturdy railing into the vastness of the ocean that stretched before us, seemingly endless, as far as our eyes could see.

The waves crumbled and rolled beneath the ship, and I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sheer sound and magnitude of it all. 

Looking out into that dark ocean was as if I was peering into an infinite realm of boundless impossablties.

In that very moment, it dawned on me – this ocean, with its limitless depths, served as a tangible reflection of God's immense size and His infinite abundance.

My mind went to where the Scripture tells us in Isaiah Chapter 40:12, "Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand…"

Contemplating the size of God's hands, I marveled at how He cradles all the waters of the Earth within them.

His hands possess the power to measure… and this measurement is vast, known to Him beyond doubt.

Yet, His hands also serve as a source of provision.

Just as the ocean seemed to stretch on endlessly, so does God's love and blessings overflow in our lives.

Go read, 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 and then answer this question: Knowing all that God has done, and will do for us, can we EVER outgive God ?

The answer is 'NO.'

When we sow our generosity, we reap abundantly. 

When we withhold, we limit the blessings we receive.

When we sow generously, we reap generously.

When we don’t? We won’t.  Let’s talk about Tithing for example!

There is a new age teaching being taught today that Tithing is no longer something that needs to be practiced…That God has Changed his mind…

HOWEVER when we Look at Malachi 3:6-12…we must recognize that God remains unchanging!

In this passage, the only instance in the Bible where God explicitly declares “I DO NOT CHANGE”, He speaks directly about tithing.

So, why would we teach otherwise?

Rest assured, God's stance on tithing remains steadfast.

Tithing extends beyond mere financial transactions; it embodies a posture of TRUST and obedience. 

It shows where our hearts can be found.

When we honor God with our first fruits, He opens the floodgates of heaven and showers us with immeasurable blessings.

Talk about an incredible deal, but it’s more than just a deal for us…It’s a blessing to others as well!

How, you might ask?

Allow me to share a profound statement I once heard:

"If God can get it through you, He'll get it TO you."

This goes beyond monetary value.

It encompasses embracing a generous lifestyle that mirrors the heart of our Heavenly Father, who promises in Luke 6:38 that when we give, we receive – pressed down, shaken together, and overflowing.

It represents a principle of kingdom economics: the more we give, the more we receive.

The more we plant, the greater the harvest we reap. 

Generosity, tithing, and offerings embody kingdom principles that lead to abundance in our lives. 

So, what is holding you back from fully immersing yourself in the ocean of God's abundance?

Perhaps it's fear, doubt, or an illusion of scarcity.

Listen closely: God has got your back. He remains constant, unchanging from yesterday to today and forevermore. His promises never falter, and He never goes back on His word.

That’s why this weekend we're putting God's Word to the test…

See Malachi 3:10 ”…Thereby put me to the test” 

Why? Because we firmly believe that aligning our lives with His principles brings forth miracles.

This weekend, I challenge each and every one of us to pause, pray, listen to God, and then take action according to His guidance when it comes to giving to Dream City Church. 

I am asking us all to STEP UP by...

#1 - Honor our commitment by returning the tithe this Sunday.

#2 - Generously contribute to the growth of Dream City Church., by sowing what God tells you to give.

Scripture tells us that God desires for His house to be FULL! That’s what happens when his people, the Church, live and GIVE generoulsy. 

Such actions empower His house to thrive and fulfill the Gospel's mission!

Are you prepared to step into the overflow?

Click the link below to embrace the challenge and embark on a journey of faith, abundance, and boundless possibilities. 

Click HERE to be taken to our Giving Page and see HOW to give to Dream City Church, or Click HERE to be taken to our online giving platform!

However you give I just want to say THANK YOU for your giving!

Hey there! I really appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog. We are committed to creating an environment where people can meet Jesus every single week! If you're interested in contributing financially to Dream City Church and helping us create more amazing content like this, tap the Give button below to continue supporting the incredible work of Jesus in our church! -PZ

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