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Why Do We Need Another Church?

Have you ever wondered why another church would open in a town like Alvin?

Maybe you've thought, "Don't we have enough churches already?"

I've been asking that same question, but recently, God has given me a clear answer. And to explain it, I want to take you back to an ancient story about two men—David and Solomon.

David had the vision for God's temple, but Solomon had the calling to build it. Vision and calling—two sides of the same coin, but both essential for God's work to be fulfilled.

Vision Prepares the Way for Calling...

Calling takes ACTION.

David dreamed of a grand temple where the presence of God would dwell. It was a God-given vision that burned in his heart. But God told him, "You are not the one to build my temple." Why? Because David was a warrior who had shed blood. Instead, it was his son Solomon who would have the calling to bring that vision to life.

This story teaches us something profound: Vision carries the calling. But it takes both for God's work to be fully realized. David’s role was to prepare for the next generation—gathering materials, laying the groundwork, and investing in the dream—so Solomon could one day build the temple. Vision prepares, and calling builds.

When Vision Gets Stuck

Here's where things often go wrong.

In many churches, there’s a strong vision at the start.

People dream big about how they will impact the world for Christ. But over time, that vision gets stuck.

Why? Because the generation with the vision sometimes refuses to release control to those with the calling to act on it.

Instead of moving forward, they cling to the vision. They talk about it, preach about it, but they never let anyone take action.

Eventually, the vision becomes stagnant, and the church becomes focused inward—self-preserving rather than kingdom-building.

When vision stays in the hands of those who don’t take action, it dies.

On the flip side, if those who are called to build get stuck in merely TALKING about the vision without actually doing anything, the calling fades too.

The church begins to focus on comfort, avoiding the risk of building something new, and over time, it becomes stagnant, even irrelevant.

This hits close to home for me because, I have worked in churches, where we had a strong vision, and God was calling us to build on it. But over time, there was resistance—resistance to the changes, to taking bold steps of faith, and to empowering the next generation to lead.

We were moving, taking action, and trying to honor the vision, but the fear of losing control eventually stalled the work.

That’s when God made it CLEAR: sometimes you have to step out and start building something NEW...

That’s why Dream City Church exists.

We saw the need for a place where vision wouldn’t just be talked about, but where it would be put into action. A place where the next generation would be empowered to step up and take their place in building God’s church.

So, why do we need another church in Alvin?

Because there are people who are hungry for a fresh move of God.

People who are tired of hearing about grand visions but never seeing them come to life. Too many churches are stuck—holding onto control, clinging to tradition, and never releasing the next generation to take action.

Dream City Church is here because the call to BUILD can’t wait any longer.

We’re not just talking about the vision; we’re acting on it.

We’re preparing the way so the next generation can take it even further than we can imagine.

Dream City is a church that’s passionate about taking the vision of Jesus and running with it.

A church that empowers people to grow, to act, and to move forward in faith.

A church that’s not afraid to release control and trust God to lead through the next generation.

So here’s the question: Are you ready to take part in something bigger than yourself?

Are you willing to invest in the vision and calling of what God is building here in Alvin?

This isn’t just about another church.

This is about building something that lasts, something that will impact future generations.

Like David, some of us may not see the full fruit of the vision in our lifetime, but we can prepare the way for the next generation to do even greater things.

Are you ready to build? I know I am! --PZ

Hey there! I really appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog. We are committed to creating an environment where people can meet Jesus every single week! If you're interested in contributing financially to Dream City Church and helping us create more amazing content like this, tap the Give button below to continue supporting the incredible work of Jesus in our church! -PZ

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