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Day 3: Praying For Strength And Complete Healing

Scripture: Scripture: “But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the Lord.” — Jeremiah 30:17”

Prayer Focus: Ask God to release His healing power into Cara’s body, restoring her to full health. Pray that whatever the doctors are concerned about will be revealed as non-cancerous and benign, and that her body remains strong and healthy!

Declaration: “Lord, You are our Healer. We ask for Your miraculous touch on Cara’s body, restoring her to health and healing every concern.”


Howdy Everyone,

We are facing a challenging moment, but God has already given us victory…

Cara recently had a mammogram for a concerning mass that formed during her recent pregnancy.

The radiologist has expressed concerns, and while we are awaiting a biopsy and results, we are standing in faith and believing for healing, peace, and God’s protection over her. 

As we walk through this time, I am are asking for your prayers and support in a special way.

Starting today, I am asking all who are willing to join us for the next 7 days of focused prayer and fasting for Cara. (Her biopsy is scheduled for the 17th.)

Each day, we will be lifting up specific prayers using Psalm 91, along with other verses from God’s Word as our guide, asking Him for protection, healing, peace, and strength. 

I will post the days prayer every morning on my blog and here.

I’m inviting you to join us in covering Cara with these prayers and believing with us for her complete healing and peace as we await the biopsy results.

Below is the prayer plan we will follow each day. 

I encourage you to pray these points daily with us and, if you're able, to fast as well—whether it’s a meal, social media, or anything else. 

Let’s unite in faith, trusting that God hears and responds.

Thank you all for your love, prayers, and support during this time. 

We trust in God’s plan and know that, no matter the outcome, He is with us every step of the way.

When trouble shows up, we don’t stop being people of faith—that’s when our faith starts doing its BEST work, moving mountains into the sea!

The enemy loves to convince us that he has power over our lives, but that’s a lie. 

We will not fall for his noise and confusion—God is in control! 

By His stripes, we are healed. 

By His cross, we are justified. 

By His death, we are redeemed. 

And HIS RESURRECTION is our guarantee that we will have life—abundant, more than we can ask or imagine! The best is yet to come! —PZ

Pray these each day…

#1- Pray for Protection (Psalm 91)

- Declare the protection of the Lord over Cara’s body, health, and life.

- Pray that God will cover her under His wings and keep her safe from all harm (Psalm 91:4).

- Ask that God sends His angels to guard Cara in all her ways, ensuring no harm comes near her (Psalm 91:11).

- Stand on the promise that God is her refuge and fortress, and that He will deliver her from any form of illness (Psalm 91:2-3).

#2- Pray for Peace and Assurance (Jeremiah 29:11)

- Pray that God fills Cara, and our family with peace, knowing that His plans for her are for good, not for harm (Jeremiah 29:11).

- Ask for the Holy Spirit’s comfort, casting out all fear and anxiety, trusting fully in God's sovereign plan over Cara’s health.

- Declare that God’s plans include a future filled with hope, healing, and restoration! 

#3- Pray for Healing (Jeremiah 30:17)

- Claim the promise that God will restore health to Cara and heal all wounds (Jeremiah 30:17).

- Ask for God’s healing touch on Cara’s body, that whatever mass has formed will be benign and easily treated.

- Pray that the lymph nodes under her arm will be completely free of any disease or infection.

- Ask that any concerns raised by doctors will be dismissed through miraculous healing and favorable biopsy results.

#4- Pray for Wisdom for Doctors and Medical Staff (Psalm 91:15)

- Pray that God gives the doctors wisdom and discernment in interpreting the tests, guiding them to the right conclusions.

- Ask for God to work through the hands of medical staff and that they will be instruments of healing and care.

- Pray that their decisions will be aligned with God's divine plan for Cara’s health.

#5–Pray for Strength and Faith (Psalm 91:1-2)

- Pray for our family and Cara to dwell in the shelter of the Most High, finding strength and confidence in Him during this time (Psalm 91:1).

- Ask for unwavering faith, believing that God is working even in the unknown.

-Pray for strength and endurance for Cara as she continues through the medical process, that she remains healthy and protected.

#6—Pray for Dream City Church and all of the community of people around us( Matthew 18:20)

- Ask God to unite Dream City Church and the surrounding community in prayer, standing in agreement for Cara's healing and for strength as they support one another.

-Pray for a strong sense of community, that people will come together in love and faith, lifting each other up through this difficult time.

-Pray community will surround Cara and the family with love, compassion, and practical support during this time.

-Ask for the Holy Spirit to lead others to offer help, encouragement, and acts of service, demonstrating the love of Christ in tangible ways.

-Ask God to use this moment to inspire others to seek Him, to witness His power and presence through prayer and faith.

-Ask God to send revival, using this season to bring people together in prayer and faith, creating opportunities for testimonies of God’s goodness to emerge.

#7—Closing Prayer Declaration—(Based on Psalm 91)

“Heavenly Father, we declare that Cara is covered under Your mighty wings, and no harm shall come near her.

 We thank You for being her refuge and fortress, and we trust that You are delivering her from all fear and sickness.

We pray that You guide the doctors with wisdom, and we believe in Your promise of healing and restoration. 

We thank You in advance for favorable results and declare Your peace and protection over Cara, in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.”

Hey there! I really appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog. We are committed to creating an environment where people can meet Jesus every single week! If you're interested in contributing financially to Dream City Church and helping us create more amazing content like this, tap the Give button below to continue supporting the incredible work of Jesus in our church! -PZ

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