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Then she named the child Ichabod, saying, “The glory has departed…” 1 Samuel 4: 21

 Eli was a high priest and judge in Israel, serving at the Tabernacle. 

The primary reason for the departure of God's Glory was the corruption within Eli's leadership. Eli commited the Sin of OMISSION.

His sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were corrupt and engaged in selfish and sinful practices. 

They desired to maintain control of the Temple and took advantage of the people as a means to their own gain.

It was not Eli’s personal sin that led to loss of the Ark…So how could he be at fault?


Eli, as their father and leader, failed to take decisive action to correct their behavior.

Because NOT makeing a decision….IS a decision! Eli threw up his hand’s and said “Look this was’nt my choice, I don’t agree with it, but I’m going to trust their leadership and I’m just going to stay neutral!” 

That is what the sin of omssion sounds like…

 I don’t see nothing. I don’t hear nothing. I won’t say nothing.

 Eli gave Hophni and Phinehas the freedom to commit serious sins without speaking up, without removing them. Eli  just kept his head down, accepted the outcome and The results of His omission were disastrous for him, his sons, and the nation. 

The Lord pronounced judgment on Eli's house, foretelling that his descendants would not continue in the priesthood.

 The consequence of this corruption was the loss of the Ark of the Covenant, a symbol of God's presence, to the Philistines in battle.

Ultimately, Eli's lack of effective leadership, failure to address corruption, and inability to uphold the sanctity of the priesthood led to the departure of the Glory of God from the Tabernacle under his watch. 

In both the Old and New Testaments, the departure of God's anointing is marked by certain signs. 

The presence of God will NEVER leave the invisible Church. 

But I do believe The Anointing of God can leave a Visible Church and ministry can stop altogether.

Here are four signs that a church could be in trouble…

#1. The Ministry of Jesus is absent…

One obvious sign that the Lord has left the building is The ministry of Christ is not  happening.

This is when a church begins to view success/failure in regards to how they are viewed in the “church world” rather than whether or not they are actually fulfilling the Great Commission!

This will always result in the hindering of the Ministry of Jesus…ALWAYS.

If People are not getting Saved. If People are not being healed. IF People are not engaging in worship. (The worship lacks excitement, if people are not being set free from sin and sickness) If there is a noticeable decline in salvations then you may be in a place where the Ministry of Jesus is absent.

When Churches refuse to go the extra mile in leading and serving because of how “inconvenient” doing so…And when the vibrancy of the Spirit of Jesus no longer essential, then a thriving church might no longer exist.

- Scripture: 1 Samuel 4:11; Matthew 13:58

#2. The Hungry People have left.

Those hungering for God’s presence begin to leave.

A spiritually hungry congregation is a reflection of the active presence of the Lord. Their departure may indicate a shift in the spiritual atmosphere.

All throughout the Gospels, anywhere Jesus went, Hungry people followed in LARGE crowds.

When the church becomes content with merely receiving people who come rather than actually going out and finding them…in other words, they lose their passion for evangelism!

When the people in the church lose sight of the next generation and refuse to fund ministry simply because they don’t understand “those young people.”

They have lost thier HUNGER for the things of God.

If The Hungry People are no longer showing up…It’s not because they couldn’t “Handle the Real Word of God”—It could be that the Presence of The Word is not in the room. 

- Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:12-17, 22; Matthew 13:58

#3– The Vision is unclear and The Leadership is no longer engaged with God’s vision for the house.

If the vision becomes unclear, and leadership appears absent or disengaged with God’s vision. A lack of alignment with Biblical principles can lead to a spiritual void, affecting the guidance and direction of the church.

The church is no longer willing to take steps of faith because “there is just too much to lose.”

Ultimately this could mean there is no TRUE LEADER, but rather managers who are uncoachable and in charge of keeping things the same.

When Scripture isn’t central in every decision that is made the goal of the church becomes to simply maintain the way things are…to not rock the boat and/or upset anyone…especially the big givers!

When church leaders/managers are reactive rather than proactive, the Church begins to settle for the natural rather than rely on the supernatural.

 - Scripture: 1 Samuel 4:17-18; James 4:4

#4– Powerless Preaching and Stagnation:

Simply put…The preaching lacks power, and there is a noticeable absence of ministry.

The church feels stagnant as if it's taking steps backward. There is a loss of a sense of urgency! (Hell is no longer hot, sin is no longer wrong and the cross is no longer important!)

The diminishing power in preaching and ministry can indicate a departure from God's anointing.

- Scripture: Matthew 13:58; Galatians 5:22-23

I think as leaders we should always be on the lookout for recognizing these signs and be on gaurd!

This could be an opportunity for introspection and realignment.

It is crucial for the body of believers to seek a revival of the anointing through repentance, renewed faith, and a commitment to God's vision. 

Let’s keep chasing after lost people with HIS presence and anointing. 

Let's fight against complacency and small thinking! 

Let's keep believing God wants to do immeasurably MORE through our churches like never before.

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