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Do you proclaim Jesus?

Evangelism is not just a suggestion or a nice idea, it is a COMMAND from Jesus Himself.

We may find it challenging and uncomfortable, but we must remember that we are called and empowered by The Holy Spirit to proclaim Christ!

If you are reading this, I urge you to pause for a moment and read Acts 8:4-8 and then Acts 8:26-40.

Let's discuss six crucial aspects of Evangelism together.

#1 - Evangelism Is The Proclamation of Jesus Christ!

We cannot shy away from this truth.

 One of the most foolish things I've heard from Church people is the notion of "preach the Gospel all the time and, when necessary, use words!" How absurd!

The WORD of God, as stated in Romans 10:14-17, is what SAVES PEOPLE. We must understand that good deeds, like buying someone's Starbucks coffee or mowing their lawn, are not the same as evangelism.

The BIBLICAL definition of evangelism is when we TELL OTHERS ABOUT CHRIST.

Unfortunately, cowardly church culture has distorted it into something that Jesus never intended.

According to Acts 8:5, Phillip proclaimed CHRIST.

Acts 4:12 emphasizes that there is no other name by which we must be saved…

…And in I Timothy 2:5, we are reminded that there is ONE mediator.

Jesus has commissioned and commanded us with this calling and responsibility (Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:45-48, John 20:21, Acts 1:8, II Corinthians 5:17-21!).

#2 - Evangelism Disrupts Our "Normal" Routine!

In Acts 8:4-8, Phillip proclaims Christ to the masses. However, in Acts 8:26, God speaks to his heart and leads him in a different direction. We must be willing to ask God to interrupt our "normal" routine and make ourselves available for whatever He wants us to do.

#3 - Remember that God is always at work.…

…in people's hearts, even those who may seem uninterested in Him.

In Acts 8:27-28, we see how God prompts Phillip to encounter a man who is seeking Him. This should remind us not to assume we know what is happening in someone else's life.

If God is leading us to share, let us be obedient and trust in His perfect timing and plan for each person.

#4 - Be Natural, DO NOT BE WEIRD!

Notice in Acts 8:29-30 that Phillip didn't approach the Ethiopian in the chariot with judgment or condemnation. He did starts screaming that unless the Ethiopian man repented of his sins he was going to end up in hell frying like a thick cut piece of bacon…

No…He simply listened to the Spirit, ran (This is going to require your effort) up to the chariot, and asked a simple question, "Do you understand what you are reading?"

Let's seize the opportunities that God presents to us every day. When we see them, let's engage in conversation, showing genuine interest in others.

#5 - Evangelism Must Focus on Christ.

In Acts 8:31-35, Phillip started the conversation where the eunuch was, but he brought it back to JESUS. It always comes back to Christ. We cannot allow the conversation to be derailed by political and sociological issues or DEEP theological debate.

 No one surrenders their life to Christ because all their questions are answered, or because they were impressed by how much you knew about the Bible.

Always bring it back to JESUS!

PLEASE understand this: if Phillip had only bought the eunuch a cup of coffee and given him a warm smile without sharing Christ, it would have been nothing more than a story of a caffeinated eunuch who felt good temporarily but NEVER HEARD ABOUT JESUS!

That is a BAD STORY!

#6 - Evangelism Is Ongoing.

In Acts 8:36-40, the eunuch receives Christ, is baptized, and Phillip is then moved by God to continue proclaiming Christ elsewhere.

Evangelism is not a one-time deal.

I want to ask you a serious question.

And I really want you to think about this.

Everyone in the New Testament who met Jesus, went on to proclaim Jesus to people, who did not know about Jesus. (Some even after Jesus told them to keep quite about i! See Mark 1:45. They just could’nt help but tell people what Jesus had done)

Multiple times throughout the scriptures, the people who heard the message about Jesus, gave their lives to Jesus.

They were saved, and the Church grew because of it.

Here’s my question: After you met Jesus Christ, how many people have you personally led to Jesus Christ?

Not led to a Church, not a bible study, not to a preacher, I’m not talking about converstaions you had ABOUT Jesus….How MANY PEOPLE have YOU lead to Christ?

It will never happen unless we are willing to PROCLIAM Jesus to the people he has put around us…

God has placed each one of us strategically in our workplaces, neighborhoods, and social circles not for our comfort but so that we can tell others about Jesus.

It is a core value that we must embrace in our lives as followers of Christ!

Hey there! I really appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog. We are committed to creating an environment where people can meet Jesus every single week! If you're interested in contributing financially to Dream City Church and helping us create more amazing content like this, tap the Give button below to continue supporting the incredible work of Jesus in our church! -PZ

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