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Today I’m sharing some KEY verses I have felt led by the Holy Spirit to Pray over Dream City Church from the Book of Micah. I have been praying through these verse all week…

…I’m asking all of us who are a part of Dream City to join me in praying over these prayer points!

The book of Micah, is found in the Old Testament, contains some powerful key verses that I have been able to relate to as we launch out by faith and follow this CRAZY plan that Jesus has put in our hands.

Look…Planting a church, IS hard work.

With limited resources, tons of unknowns, what-ifs and land mines …

…and a few naysayers and It-Can’t-Be-Don’ers(Of which I find myself at times )

I can RELATE to these verses…messages about justice, humility, and hope, and a God who is working all things out for our good.

Here are 8 Verse That I am praying over Dream City Church…

Let these truths get rooted in your heart and mind, and I promise you’ll find truths about Who God is and following him that are TIMELESS and good for EVER occasion !

1. Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

  -  Meaning : This verse emphasizes the core principles of righteous living, which are crucial as we establish Dream City Church. It reminds us to treat others fairly, show compassion, and remain humble in our endeavor. It means whoever shows up. We serve and love them like Jesus!

  -  Prayer Point : Pray for the wisdom and strength to lead with integrity, compassion, and humility as we embark on this journey.

2. Micah 7:18 “Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.”

  - Meaning: This verse highlights God's character of forgiveness and mercy, which is foundational to the mission of Dream City Church. It reminds us of God's grace despite our imperfections. We must extend God's forgiveness and mercy to ourselves and others, fostering an environment of grace and redemption!

  - Prayer Point: Pray for a deep understanding of God's forgiveness and the ability to extend grace to ourselves and others as we build Dream City Church.

3. Micah 4:1 “In the last days the mountain of the LORD’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and peoples will stream to it.”

  - Meaning: This verse paints a picture of unity and reverence for God, which is our vision for Dream City Church. It speaks to the inclusivity and exaltation of God's presence among all people. We aim to create a community where people from all walks of life can come together to worship, and experience the Precense of Jesus!

  - Prayer Point: Pray for the vision and resources to create a diverse and inclusive community at Dream City Church, where all are welcome to worship and grow in their faith. Pray that as we LIFT up Jesus, people will STREAM like a river to find the hope we offer! Pray that Parking lots become FULL and overflown by hungry people who will be FILLED!

4. Micah 4:3 “He will judge between many peoples and will settle disputes for strong nations far and wide. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.”

  - Meaning: This verse prophesies a future of peace and reconciliation, which is our hope for Dream City Church. It speaks to our desire to be agents of God's peace in a world filled with conflict. We are about peace and reconciliation in our community and beyond, working towards God's vision. We refuse to sacrifice a move of God on personal  grudges and offense based church politics!

  - Prayer Point: Pray for opportunities to be peacemakers and reconcilers in our community, and for God's guidance as we navigate challenges and conflicts. We FIGHT for each other, not WITH each other!

5. Micah 1:3 “Look! The LORD is coming from his dwelling place; he comes down and treads on the heights of the earth.”

  - Meaning: Depicting God's power and sovereignty, this verse reminds us of God's presence and authority. As we start Dream City Church, we acknowledge God's sovereignty over our plans and trust in his guidance and provision.

  - Prayer Point: Pray for a deep awareness of God's presence and guidance as we lay the foundation for Dream City Church, trusting in his sovereignty over all things. When we want, what God wants, for the reason’s God wan’t it; WE ARE UNSTOPPABLE!

6. Micah 4:6 ““In that day,” declares the LORD, “I will gather the lame; I will assemble the exiles and those I have brought to grief.””

  - Meaning: This verse promises restoration and gathering for the marginalized, echoing our mission at Dream City Church to uplift and support those in need. We are committed to serving and advocating for the marginalized and oppressed in our community, offering hope and restoration. Dream City is a place where ALL people can come find HOPE!

  - Prayer Point: Pray for God's compassion and strength to serve the marginalized effectively, and for opportunities to be agents of restoration and healing in their lives through Dream City Church. Pray for GREAT moves of God in our services and miracles will become COMMON PLACE among us!

7. Micah 7:14-15 “Shepherd your people with your staff, the flock of your inheritance, which lives by itself in a forest, in fertile pasturelands. Let them feed in Bashan and Gilead as in days long ago. As in the days when you came out of Egypt, I will show them my wonders.”

  - Meaning: God will use our LEADERS to shepherd and perform wonders for his people! This resonates with our journey of starting Dream City Church, reminding us of God's faithfulness and miraculous works. As we begin this venture, we trust in God's guidance and provision, believing that he will perform wonders and lead us forward.

  - Prayer Point: Pray for faith to trust in God's guidance and provision as we establish Dream City Church, and for eyes to see the miraculous works he performs along the way. Pray for our Leaders and volunteers. That God would bless them and protect them! Pray for me, and Cara as we submit to God’s will and listen to his voice!

8. Micah 2:12 “I will surely gather all of you, Jacob; I will surely bring together the remnant of Israel. I will bring them together like sheep in a pen, like a flock in its pasture; the place will throng with people.”

  - Meaning: This verse speaks of God's gathering and protection of his people! As we launch Dream City Church, we seek to gather and protect God's people, providing a spiritual home where all people are welcomed and supported.

  - Prayer Point: Pray for unity and protection among the members of Dream City Church, and for God's guidance as we build a community that reflects his love and grace. Pray for protection over the VISON and the HEART of this house. It’s all about Jesus!


Micah 7:8 The day for building your walls will come, the day for extending your boundaries.

Meaning: Micah 7:8 speaks of a future day when the walls will be built and boundaries extended, symbolizing growth and expansion. In the context of Dream City Church, this verse signifies the anticipation of acquiring a building of our own, provided by God in a way that unmistakably reveals His hand at work. The potential for our influence and reach beyond to exceed our wildest imaginations. We look forward to the fulfillment of Micah 7:8 for Dream City Church, we eagerly anticipate the day when God will provide us with a physical space to call our own, a place where His presence will be palpable and His glory undeniable. We trust that this provision will not only signify our growth as a church but also serve as a testament to God's faithfulness and power in our midst.

Prayer Point: Let us pray with fervent expectation and gratitude for the day when God will provide Dream City Church with a building of our own. May our hearts be filled with faith as we trust in His timing and provision, and may our eyes be opened to recognize and celebrate His miraculous hand at work in every step of the journey.


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