Hey Church family! Today was amazing!
I love every time we gather in the room!
There is just something that happens when we all sing together with one voice in praise to our God!
I really do believe that our best days are ahead of us...
I'm so excited about the responses from people about today's message!
We talked about our #2 foundational belief we are going to build Dream City Church on...
Saved people serve people.
Service is a major key indicator that a person is following Jesus! Although not everyone who serves is saved, everyone who is saved should serve!
Where are you serving in your Church? What's keeping you from serving?
Hey Dream City, if you are having a hard time discovering where you should serve, WE WANT TO HELP! Three easy steps--Click, Step, Send.
#1-CLICK: This link to a personality and spiritual gifts profile assessment.
#2-STEP: Step by step, follow the instructions to create a profile and complete each free assessment.
#3-SEND: Share your results with us by printing them off and bringing them with you this Sunday, or email them to Pastor Cara and me at pastor@dreamcitychurch.cc
Let us help you step into what you were made to do!
Serving for a follower of Jesus should reach beyond the walls of our Church, and into our...
Homes-- Marriage and family relationships just work better when each spouse or family member is working to serve one another as opposed to just one or the other being served. By the way, MEN, Husbands and Fathers SET the temperature of what service in our homes looks like... in other words, how your family serves each other is a reflection of you! Ouch!
For a Christian, our greatest success isn't the amount of dollars on our paycheck at the end of the week, but the reflection of who Jesus was through us in our workplaces!
Our community-- I said it today, but if we want to be a church that makes a BIG DIFFERENCE in our cities, then we have to SERVE this community! People matter to God, and if they matter to Him, they HAVE TO matter to us! All people! By reaching out to those who are often overlooked, we can truly impact lives and bring about positive change.
The Gospel that's not just proclaimed, but actually LIVED, each and every day in our homes, at work, and in our community, is a gospel that changes EVERYTHING!
Today was simply one of the BEST DAYS EVER!
I can't wait till next week!
If you haven't had the opportunity to give today, you can do that here:
I am so excited about what God did through Cara's testimony today during our offering time!
You could really feel the Holy Spirit working on hearts all around the room!
I felt the Lord lead me to set a goal to reach 30 NEW familes by September of this year. I’m excited because if He led us to do it...Then with hard work HE will FULFILL IT!
Will you pray with me that we will reach this goal?
Hey DC KIDS, our kid’s ministry, just launch a Facebook page! Be sure to go check them out and follow that page! Tell Alex said Hi! 😜
I love our nursery and kid’s ministry!
I love each and everyone of our volunteers and teachers! We do have THE BEST!
I am so thankful for you, Dream City Church!
This week is going to be UNBELIEVABLE!
I'm praying for you!
I love this Church! --PZ
Hey there! I really appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog. We are committed to creating an environment where people can meet Jesus every single week! If you're interested in contributing financially to Dream City Church and helping us create more amazing content like this, tap the Give button below to continue supporting the incredible work of Jesus in our church! -PZ
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