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What was with that blue guy?!

Howdy everybody Pastor Z here and I thought that since everyone else was weighing in about the opening ceremony of the Olympics show I would offer my two cents...

...not that my point of view was better or worse than anyone else's, but I have prayed about it and I've taken some time to really look at what's happening and I thought that I would share my perspective.

Two things before I share...

#1-If you don't agree, that's OK I'm not mad at you. In fact I would say that there's probably some areas that I'm still learning, so I'm fine with hearing your point of view.

#2-If you do happen to agree with me, I want to point our that that my point of view is not one rooted in hate or fear, but rather me taking a step back looking at the world and what God's word says my point of view will always come into alignment with Jesus and what the Holy Spirit is showing me...So here are my thoughts about the Olympics!

While it was OBVIOUS that the opening show of the Olympics stirred significant debate among Christians and non-Christians alike.

I also believe this is an OPPORTUNITY!!!!

People should feel safe and WELCOMED around Christians.

We should be the most inviting people ever! All throughout the Gospels we discover that Jesus was one of the most inviting person to be around! 

In the Scriptures we can see that lost People liked being around Jesus.

And people who looked nothing like Jesus...LIKED Jesus.

Jesus welcomes all and accepts people from all different kinds of backgrounds, and so should His Church without compromising the message of the Gosple!

As followers of Jesus, we are called to speak the truth in love. See Ephesians 4:15.

This means that while it’s okay to disagree, our response must always be rooted in love, not judgment or hate.

We gotta remember that sin is not exclusive to any one group of people.

We are all sinners in need of God's grace...

My concern with the Olympics is not about targeting specific individuals who sin one way or another, but about addressing the BROADER MESSAGE that was being conveyed.

Mocking the Last Supper using transgender men dressed in women's lingerie, putting kid's in the mix, connecting it all to promote openly satanic symbolism...

it was very weird....It DID cross a line.

But it's NOT the worst thing that has ever happened to Christians!!!

FAR worst things have happened to Christians throughout the ages!

How about the three Christians that were killed and several others kidnapped in an attack on a village in the Democratic Republic of Congo on July 16th ?

Christian being KILLED. That's worse.

My point is this...

The world IS fallen, and encountering behaviors and representations that contradict our values is not a surprise...

As Christians, we are called to be IN the world but not OF the world See John 17:14-16.

This means we CAN acknowledge, speak up and advocate for change in the brokenness around us without compromising our values.

But our ultimate goal is not to condemn, but to offer HOPE through JESUS!

We must remember that the world’s problems won’t be solved by criticism alone but through the transformative power of Jesus and HIS presence!

BUT...When a public platform like the Olympics is used to mock Christian beliefs, it's appropriate for us to speak out.

Something like the Olympics has WORLD WIDE ATTENTION! (AGAIN OPPORTUNITY)

Every Christian has a right to speak on this issue because they INVITED US into the conversation.


They invited us to the table...By mocking Jesus--- they also brought SO much attention TO Christians and to Jesus!

I'm reminded of the Bible Verse where Paul wrote, in Romans 8:28

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for ithose who are called according to his purpose"

I am also reminded that when Jesus was CRUCIFIED His followers then must have  thought THAT was the worst thing to ever happen to Christianity...

But we can see how Jesus flipped the devils plan upside  down...and for our GOOD!

Let's not mess up what God maybe trying to turn for our good! He IS at work here too!

This is a moment the church should be SHINING the brightest as opposed to arguing with the world, and each other...for doing what a broken WORLD without Jesus does...

The people who HATED Jesus the most were the people consumed with a RELIGIOUS Spirit.

Which leads me to this....Folks...WE HAVE TO AVOID developing a “religious spirit” that becomes easily offended or hypocritical.  

A religious spirit gets offended when you disagree with it...SO many people on BOTH sides have been offended!

Such a spirit often harshly judges others while defending its own actions.

As followers of Jesus we should approach disagreements with humility and understanding, remembering that Jesus welcomed everyone, regardless of their sins. See Luke 19:10.



We have the attention, so we can SHOW THE WORLD who Jesus is!

At Dream City Church, we strive to be a place where all people—regardless of their past or present struggles—can find acceptance and the love of Jesus.

Let me be clear...

We can still be loving and we can still disagree. We can tell the TRUTH in love, and call out wrong motives...All while pointing people to Jesus.

Lost people should feel safe and welcomed around Christians.

They should feel welcome to attend church with us.

(What hope is there for them to meet Jesus if they can't come to the very place that should represent Him the MOST?!)

They should feel welcome to pray in our altars and worship with us.

In fact, let me just say this--transgender people, and gay people, even that weird blue guy, are welcome to attend Dream City Church...Full stop.

AND... when they show up, they're going to be accepted as they come...

But let me also say that every addict and adulterer, people struggling with lust, thieves and liars and cheaters...and divorced people and unmarried people and all sinful people alike are welcome at Dream City Church!

Our church is place where ALL people can come and experience the presence of Jesus, regardless of their current struggles.

The goal is not to condone sin but to offer a place where transformation through Christ is possible.

They can BELONG, even if they don't believe..

It's also important to remember, that while they are all welcomed and they'll be loved just as they are...

Christians have a right to speak up when they disagree!

And we SHOULD!

When you have a public platform such as the Olympics where the entire world is watching...(Btw you could have celebrated ANYTHING you wanted)...

and you choose to use your platform to make a mockery of Christian faith.

Christian people can say that they felt it was wrong...

That's not hateful.

When you invite US into the conversation,(THEY DID INVITE US) We have every right to speak truth in Love...

In fact, all throughout the Gospels, we see this happen...

Jesus would be approached by the Pharisees or the scribes and the religious people of that day and they would invite Him to speak on the issue, and HE DID...

Just as Jesus was approached to speak on faith matters, we too have the right to voice our concerns when the message of Christianity is publicly ridiculed. See Matthew 22:15-22.

To be clear, this is not an issue of targeting the individuals that were in the event mocking Jesus, but addressing how Jesus and Christian values are represented.

 Even if the performers had not been involved, the mockery of a Christian practice would still be inappropriate.

The issue with the Olympic's show of the Last Supper is because they use this very public platform to share an agenda to mock Christians and throttle the living church of God.

Another deep concern I do have was the involvement of children.

It is troubling to see children exposed to depictions that undermine Christian values, especially when presented in a way that could be confusing or harmful.

To put it plainly...It's weird to watch little girls surrounded by scantly clad men, in Womens clothing, and then to bring Jesus into it?... that makes me uncomfortable and it's OK to call that out.

The Bible encourages us to protect and guide our children, ensuring they are not led astray See Matthew 18:6

I have the responsibility as the Pastor to watch out for anyone who would come to Dream City Church with an agenda or a message to share other than the Gospel of Jesus.

The Bible speaks about how we should handle ANYONE who preaches a Gospel contrary to the Gospel of Jesus...

Galatians 1:8-9

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!

2 John 1 :7-11

"I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. Watch out that you do not lose what we have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully. Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them. Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work.

This is pretty clear.

We have the responsibility to call out and speak truth...not being hateful but to say that this was not something we support!

Now is NOT the time for Christian's to tuck tail and hide...

This is OUR GREATEST opportunity!

To show the wold what Christian's look like when we are picked on...Am I saying it was ok?

Nope, it was weird...

It also took the attention away from the Olympic athletes that have worked SO hard to be there...That is Sad!

But get this, they mocked the Lord's Supper...

Also known a communion...

Something Christian's all around the world celebrate every Sunday!

When I think about Communion, I ALWAYS think about Community!

This is our moment to show the world what our community "THE CHURCH" is all about!

Christian's, we need to learn how to get along with the world...

But how can we do that, if we can't even get along with each other?

The Church is not merely a building or an institution; it is a living, breathing community of unified believers who are called to reflect the character of Christ.

This means standing firm in our values while extending compassion and understanding to those who may not yet share our faith...YET!

Let’s use this moment to come together, to overcome divisions among ourselves, and to focus on our common mission: to reach a lost world with the message of hope and redemption found in Jesus Christ.

We have been called for such a time as this—to be a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of Christ in the midst of adversity.

Let’s show the world who Jesus is by living out His teachings with authenticity and love.

Let’s be the light in the darkness, the hope in the midst of despair, and the community that reflects the heart of Jesus.

Together, we can turn this moment of mockery into a powerful testimony of God’s grace and love.

Let’s rise to the occasion, use our Voice, Our Vote, and Our Passion for Jesus to demonstrate to a watching world what hope and freedom look like.

Let's Show Them!--PZ

Hey there! I really appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog. We are committed to creating an environment where people can meet Jesus every single week! If you're interested in contributing financially to Dream City Church and helping us create more amazing content like this, tap the Give button below to continue supporting the incredible work of Jesus in our church! -PZ

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A Word From Pastor Z

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