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PART-TWO of "What could you do to STEP-UP for God?"

Marriage is a beautiful journey, and I feel incredibly blessed to be married to my BEST FRIEND, Cara Coffman!

One important aspect to remember about marriage is that it is God’s idea. He designed marriage to make us HOLY and draw us closer to Him.

Since we got married in 2011, one thing Cara and I have committed to doing together every day is making our bed. 

Every morning, we take a moment to pause and make the bed… TOGETHER.

To be completely honest, I wasn’t initially enthusiastic about this idea. My reasoning was simple: “What’s the point of making the bed if I’m just going to mess it up later?”

Perhaps I still had a bit of that carefree college dorm room mentality! I often fell into the mindset of thinking,

 “That's not my job,”

similar to how we sometimes dismiss our roles within our church community.

I would wonder, “Why do we have to do it together?” After all, making a bed seems like a one-person job. Wouldn’t it be faster if I just did it on my own? 

But this was an area where the Lord challenged me.

Initially, I made the bed with Cara just because she wanted me to.

It felt like a simple chore to check off my list. 

Over time, however, I came to understand that making the bed is not just a mundane task; it has become an integral part of who we are as a couple. 

It’s far more than just straightening sheets and fluffing pillows. Making the bed together has turned into a beautiful ritual, a preparation for the day to come.

This simple act creates a meeting ground, a space where we come together around what truly matters to us at the end of the day. 

Regardless of how chaotic or unpredictable the day may be, we find solace in the knowledge that we have created this sacred space.

It’s a safe haven—a place of trust and understanding—where we can let go of the outside world and simply be ourselves.

(Isn't that what the church should be for all of us?)

This brings me to today’s "Step-Up" Challenge...

Taking this small step can make a BIG difference in your life and the lives of others! 

#2 Serve in the Room on Sundays.

or put simply, help make the bed.

Many of us possess gifts and abilities that we aren't leveraging to serve the church we attend.

We often fall into the same mindset I had regarding making the bed:

“The job is getting done, so why should I step up to serve?”

However, we need to recognize that serving goes beyond just the tasks we complete. Serving others is also about who we are BECOMING.

Think about it: had it not been for those working in the parking lot, setting up the room, or greeting us at the door, we wouldn’t have the opportunity for preaching and worship at all...

Every role is essential, even the roles we don't see out front! Those that work behind the scenes are just as important and sever to move the Gospel forward every week! 

When we Step-Up, we discover our purpose within the body of Christ.

I believe the Lord is calling all of us to step up in this area. 

When you serve at Dream City, you are an integral part of something greater. 

Every time someone experiences healing, every time a person rises to try again, and every time someone surrenders to Jesus and is born again, you play a monumental role in the Kingdom of God.

In fact, much of serving is about preparing the room for those who seek to meet Jesus! 

1 Peter 4:10a-11b says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others... If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.”

When you and I STEP UP—whether in the DC Kids, Nursery, Parking lot, Set-up, or Tear-Down—we are preparing the room for Jesus.

We are creating a welcoming environment where single moms, individuals battling addiction, and those feeling lost can encounter Jesus!

And when lives are changed, all glory goes to Him.

Dream City Church has many opportunities to serve.

One area where we desperately need help is our Setup and Tear Down team on Sundays! 

This is one of my favorite activities on Sunday.

We gather at 8 AM as a team to prepare the room, begin with a word of prayer, and get to know one another better while we serve.

Additionally, we're looking for more nursery workers. This is essential for creating an environment where people can truly experience the presence of Jesus. New parents who don't have a place to drop off their kids in a safe, fun, clean environment like our nursery can't come to church.

For those of us who serve nursery you're making a huge impact in the life of our church and the lives of these families.

If you have a heart for nursery-age kids, PLEASE we would love for you to Step Up—calling all moms!

These are two areas where our church is desperately in need of volunteers! We are looking for people who are ready to turn down some sheets with us.

I know not everyone can, but for those of you who can, what’s stopping you? 

If you’re not serving yet but would like to get involved in any area of our church, we encourage you to come see Me or Pastor Cara, on Sunday or email me at

Together, we can make a BIG difference!

Let's make the bed! --PZ


Hey there! I really appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog. We are committed to creating an environment where people can meet Jesus every single week! If you're interested in contributing financially to Dream City Church and helping us create more amazing content like this, tap the Give button below to continue supporting the incredible work of Jesus in our church! -PZ

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