Should you get baptized this Sunday?
OK…I am OUT OF MY MIND excited about our Easter baptism THIS COMING SUNDAY!!!
Two things really quick about this…
#1 - If you have received Christ during any of our services…OR…you have received Christ BUT haven’t yet been baptized by immersion…you need to go here to get signed up!!!
There are SO many examples in the New Testament of people receiving Christ and THEN being baptized. Baptism comes AFTER salvation…so…if you were baptized at some point in your life but didn’t actually know Christ all you were was a wet sinner!
Baptism is a powerful symbol of what Jesus did for us…and an awesome reminder of HIS burial and resurrection.
Trust me…there is NOTHING more important than you stepping up and taking this next step.
#2 - Dream City Family—-this is a CELEBRATION!
Seriously…no matter if you know someone who is getting baptized or not…I want all of us to go ALL OUT! If we can do it for something like a football game…then we should DO IT BETTER when it comes to baptism! This is all happening directly after our Easter Sunday Service!!!
I CAN’T WAIT…there is something POWERFUL about seeing people say, “Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior” and then getting dunked!!!
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