I have loved what the Lord has showed us during this past few weeks about Spiritual Warfare…
I REALLY have enjoyed Preaching on this topic of Spiritual Warfare!
Yesterday we talked about how the enemy likes to cloak his attacks on us as seemingly normal every day problems —today we’re talking about the weapon he uses!
So we are going BACK to Nehemiah 6:1-13..and we are looking at the tactic of DECEPTION.
In this passage, we witness someone attempting to deceive Nehemiah in order to make him sin.
If Nehemiah had followed Shemaiah's advice, it could have been argued that it was the right thing to do considering the circumstances.
However, this would have allowed Nehemiah's enemies to discredit him, as he was not permitted to enter that section of the temple.
Essentially, it would have been a sinful act.
Satan is the father of lies. SEE
John 8:44.
He constantly tries to deceive us with various lies. However, it is important to turn to God's Word for the truth.
Let's examine some lies that Satan tries to make us believe today, along with what God's Word actually says:
- Lie: "Jesus could NEVER save've messed up WAY too much."
God's Word says in Romans 10:13 that "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
- Lie: "Sex outside of marriage is okay, as long as you REALLY love one another."
God's Word in 1 Thessalonians 4:3 clearly states that sexual immorality is not acceptable.
- Lie: "Your spouse is not meeting your needs, so it's okay to seek fulfillment elsewhere."
God's Word in Proverbs 5:15-20 emphasizes the importance of faithfulness in marriage.
- Lie: "You can't share your struggles with others because they won't understand and will judge you."
God's Word in James 5:16 encourages us to confess our sins to one another for support and healing.
- Lie: "Attending church is not necessary."
However, Hebrews 10:24-25 instructs us to gather together to encourage one another and worship God.
- Lie: "While the Bible does mention forgiveness, what that person did to you is unforgivable."
God's Word in Ephesians 4:32 urges us to forgive others, just as God forgave us.
- Lie: "Your financial matters are unrelated to your relationship with God."
Yet, Matthew 6:21 teaches us that where our treasure is, there our heart will be also.
- Lie: "God constantly reminds you of your past sins before you met Christ."
However, Romans 8:1 and 2 Corinthians 5:17 assure us that in Christ, we are made new and there is no condemnation.
The list could go on, but it's important to recognize that the enemy wants us to believe these lies.
We see this deception from the beginning, as Satan lied to Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:1-7, leading them into sin.
It is crucial to remember that one of the biggest lies the enemy wants us to believe is that he and God are equal, engaged in a power struggle.
However, this is far from the truth. Scripture, such as Luke 10:18, reveals that Jesus witnessed Satan falling from heaven, indicating God's victory over him.
In Mark Chapter 5, (our text for this Sunday) we’re going to see how much power Jesus has over the enemy!
Job 1 and Job 2 also demonstrate that Satan needs permission from God before acting.
Revelation 20:10 makes it clear that the ultimate outcome is in God's hands.
If we are going to overcome the deception of the enemy….
We must be aware of the lies he tries to deceive us with!
We discover truth by turning to God's Word—period!
See y’all Sunday! —PZ
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