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Today I want to talk about something that has been on my heart to share for a while now...

It's the “UNSPOKEN RULE” in many churches: if you’re struggling,(especially with mental health) keep it to yourself.

In church culture, we’ve often equated faith with having it all together.

We plaster a smile on our faces, even while our hearts are breaking! We want to be used by God,  but there is also the fear that if you’re HONEST about your struggles, you will be treated as “LESS THAN”—as if God couldn’t possibly use someone like you.

The truth is, many in our church services are silently struggling with anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges. They’re doing it alone because they fear judgment, shame, or being told to “pray it away” and put the mask back on. This is the unseen battle happening in many churches.

People don’t feel safe to admit when they fail in many churches.

They stay silent, and that silence turns into guilt, which then morphs into shame, leading to SELF-HATE.

Mental health struggles don’t discriminate.

They affect the young and old, new believers and seasoned saints alike. Yet, in the church, these struggles often remain hidden.

We’ve somehow convinced ourselves that admitting these battles is a sign of weak faith or spiritual failure. 

But NOTHING could be further from the truth.

If you’re facing anxiety, depression, or any other mental health challenge, it doesn’t mean you lack faith—it means you’re HUMAN.

Asking for help doesn’t make you weak. It shows you’re STRONG!

As a pastor, many think we could NEVER struggle with these issues.

Let me be real—I’ve been there.

There were times when I wrestled with the darkness of depression and the overwhelming weight of anxiety.

I thought I had to keep it hidden, put on a brave face, and power through. But that only made things worse. I felt isolated, ashamed, and hopeless.

Everything changed when I surrendered it all to God.

I reached a point where I couldn’t carry the burden alone anymore.

I cried out to God—raw, unfiltered, and desperate. And God met me right where I was. But His answer wasn’t what I expected… 

Jesus reminded me I had to ask for help, lean into the community, and let others know how I was feeling.

I couldn’t imagine asking for help from ANYONE. After all, I was supposed to be a fearless leader!


(Where did we get the idea that God can only use perfect people who NEVER struggle? Look at the HEROES in the Bible—EVERYONE, INCLUDING JESUS, STRUGGLED. Remember when He SWEAT BLOOD in the garden before His arrest? Jesus is proof that you can be completely connected to God and yet your feelings can make you feel alone! Jesus knew what it was like to feel OVERWHELMED.)

God didn’t make all my struggles disappear overnight, but He began a process of healing and restoration in my life.

But you HAVE to find someone you can TRUST.

I found good people who helped me walk in health.

Through this journey, I experienced the depth of God’s love in ways I never had before.

This is why I’m so passionate about Dream City Church being a place of hope.

If you’re dealing with your own silent struggles, know that there is hope...

You don’t have to walk this road alone!

Whether you’re battling anxiety, depression, or any other mental health challenge, know that God sees you, loves you, and wants to bring you through this.

If you’re a longtime Christ-follower, just starting your journey, or even if you don’t believe yet—maybe you’re a pastor who needs a SAFE PLACE to let it all out—

I want you to know WE ARE HERE for you!

We want to walk alongside you in this journey.

It’s time to BREAK THE SILENCE and silence the shame!

Mental health struggles are real, and they’re not a sign of spiritual weakness.

The church should be a place where people can RUN to when they are hurting!

A place they can find healing and those in darkness can hope again!

So how can we do this?

I’m still figuring it out, but it starts with starting the conversation.

We need to talk about mental health for one and let people know it’s okay to not be okay and that they’re not alone in their struggles.

We also need to offer practical support.

It’s okay to admit when a situation is over our heads.

Encourage professional help or medication when needed, just as we would recommend a doctor for a physical ailment.

At the same time, remind those struggling that God is with them, their worth is not defined by their mental health, and they are loved and valued by their Creator.

They should be allowed to grow, serve, and participate in ministry too.

Anxiety and depression should NOT disqualify someone from Church to make them LESS THAN…

If a pastor admits to struggling, they might be fired or forced to step down.

Because of this, so many Pastors are locked in a jail cell of their own shame and fear.

I think this is why we hear so many stories of pastors taking their own lives, with no one knowing they were struggling.

They felt like they HAD to keep quiet and there was no way to just pray the pain away...

So they suffer in silence until they couldn't handle the pressure any longer.

The truth is, in ministry, we are guilty of letting the work we do for God begin to quietly destroy the work of God in us.

Sometimes, in our eagerness to "Work Hard" and be dedicated, we end up celebrating the very behaviors that lead to unhealthy places.

We applaud the pastor who never takes a day off, missing his kids' ball games and hurting his marriage 'for the sake of ministry.'

The worship leader who always says yes, even when it means sacrificing rest and health.

We praise the staff member who never takes a sabbatical or vacation, even though they're running on empty, believing that true dedication means never stepping away.

We celebrate the volenteer who never turns down a request, spreading themselves too thin, and neglecting their own spiritual growth and personal relationships.

But what we fail to see is that this isn't strength—or faithfulness!

it's a recipe for spiritual and personal disaster.

We’re not SUPERMAN or the HERO of our story or anyone else's—But Jesus is, and HE has enough grace for all of us to get back up.

If you’re struggling, let me say this:

God is not done with you, no matter what the enemy or your mind is telling you.

Reach out, start the process of healing, and know that there is hope.

Jesus has so much more to do through you.

Please Don’t give up!

One more thing… At Dream City Church, you don’t have to face your silent struggles alone. We’re here for you, just as God has been there for me. There is hope, and it starts with being honest about where you are and allowing God to lead you toward healing and restoration.

If He can do it for me, then He can do it for you too!

Let’s walk this journey together.


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