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Today at Dream City was so good! I love what Jesus is doing in our church!

So many people have reached out to celebrate what Jesus did during the altar service we had during worship!

I was reminded today that what draws people to any church is when Jesus is made the center. I truly believe that.

A growing church results from Jesus being at the center and when He starts drawing people to Himself. See [John 12:32]

I also want to say that the most important thing we do at Dream City Church is lead people to an altar where Jesus can work in their lives!

People are desperate for a move of God in our churches—and when we set aside our meticulously planned "Order of Service" and allow Jesus to have His way, lives are transformed.

Don’t get me wrong; there is nothing wrong with having a plan and an order of service.

In fact, I recommend it. However, the issue arises when we become so attached to the plan and are unwilling to deviate because it might "get messy." This can limit God's work.

When we prioritize looking polished over allowing God to move, we risk falling into the trap Paul described in his second letter to Timothy:

2 Timothy 3:5 "Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."

Dream City, I never want us to just appear to be godly without having real power. I’m so grateful to be part of a church where the people are hungry and understand the move of the Holy Spirit!

I was thrilled to preach today!

Next Sunday, we’ll continue in Philippians chapter 2. Please read ahead so you can be prepared for our discussion!

I missed you all so much last week!

God has been incredibly good to our church!

I am so thankful Cara is here with us!

I can’t even imagine what life would have been like without her!

She is still recovering and experiencing some discomfort.

Could you do me a favor and please pray for her? The doctor said it would take a few months for her to feel 100% again and that she needs to take her recovery slowly.

We came so close to losing Cara last week... But God! He kept her and healed her! The outcome could have been so different... But God!

She is recovering, and although she’s in pain, she is incredibly tough!

Today, I had a bottle of that Icelandic water from the gas station... Woah!

I think the greatest thing in the world is the cheeseburger. That reminds me, it’s about time for me to get back on my Keto diet...

It is impossible to be full of the Holy Spirit if you are full of yourself.

Christian unity is often fractured by selfishness.

To be absorbed in oneself is to have a heart closed to others.

The best way to avoid complaints and criticism is to—do nothing.

There will always be someone who will try to discourage you from your calling...

If I had experienced everything you’ve experienced in your life, I would be you—and if you had experienced everything I’ve experienced, you would be me!

So, treat everyone as if they are you, just in a different life! I think Jesus said something similar to that [here]...

Unity is one of the most mentioned themes in the New Testament. (It’s a big deal!)

I really believe God takes unity seriously because it creates an environment where He can be the central focus!

Living for oneself is the root of all sin and lovelessness.

The Bible knows nothing of an impractical theology!

Many disagreements among Christians stem from an inflated view of oneself.

People often expect more respect than they receive or feel their opinions should always prevail.

Some believe they deserve a higher status or position than they hold, which leads to disappointment. Their pride is hurt, but their self-esteem gets a boost. It’s strange how that happens, but it does!

This issue is not limited to small congregations; it applies to larger groups, like churches and denominations, too.

Division and pride are best overcome by humility and unselfishness. See [Philippians 2:1].

If we hold ourselves to the standard of Christ’s life, we’ll find ourselves humbled.

After all, someone who’s been forgiven so much won’t rush to grab their brother by the throat for just a small debt! See [Matthew 18:28].

Selfishness is a major factor that tears apart Christian unity.

Church today was amazing! I love you, Dream City Church!

By the way, I wanted to give a shoutout to everyone who has loved on our family this past week with meals and gifts. You have no idea how loved we feel!

We truly have the best church ever! I mean it when I say it; you all are incredible, and we have never felt more loved by a church we serve at!

Today, someone bought the kids gummy Skittles... Oh my dang! I can’t stop eating!

Keto starts tomorrow!

I love my Church--PZ

Hey there! I really appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog. We are committed to creating an environment where people can meet Jesus every single week! If you're interested in contributing financially to Dream City Church and helping us create more amazing content like this, tap the Give button below to continue supporting the incredible work of Jesus in our church! -PZ

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A Word From Pastor Z

By Zac Coffman 12 Oct, 2024
By Zac Coffman 11 Oct, 2024
By Zac Coffman 07 Oct, 2024
Today Was Pastor's Appreciation Sunday At Dream City Church...
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