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This Sunday At Dream City Church


Today, I wanted to share with you some reasons I am excited about Dream City Church!

One thing I believe about leadership is that good leaders are PRESENT, and they lead the way in celebrating the vision while being excited about the things they are guiding. Celebration is a BIG deal to Jesus.

He tells us in Luke 15:10 that HEAVEN throws a PARTY (celebrates) every time a lost person's heart is changed!

Leaders celebrate.

Those who do not celebrate eventually find themselves with NOTHING to celebrate or rejoice about. What we refuse to celebrate will eventually leave our lives!

With that being said, here are four reasons I am excited about Dream City Church.

#1. THIS SUNDAY--Yep! I am excited about this Sunday because I get to be back in the room with all of you!

I celebrate every single time we, as a church, have the opportunity to gather together!

Something so special happens during these moments!

I believe this Sunday will be no different! I cannot wait to see you all there!

#2. People are meeting Jesus!--THAT is a big deal! What I love about looking back on this journey as a church is that I remember when we were just a group of folks gathered in our living room, and now look at where we are—it's been nothing short of beautiful!

My favorite part has to be the fact that every single week, people are meeting Jesus and GROWING in their relationship with Him!

I think one of the greatest mistakes we could make as a church is to STOP celebrating when people meet Jesus and make Him the Lord of their lives!

Like I mentioned previously, if Heaven can throw a party about lost people being found...shouldn't His Church?

#3. We are growing! I celebrate that our church IS growing! What we have seen over the past several months is NOT NORMAL. While it hasn't been easy, the fact that our church has overcome so much and is STILL growing is a BIG deal!

#4. We are STILL HERE! I celebrate this because when we first announced that we were starting Dream City Church, someone contacted us, threatened us, and said something along the lines of us not making it to nine months...

Well, guess what...nine months was August 2nd, and WE ARE STILL HERE!

Here’s why I mention this: Not everyone can see what you see, and not everyone is going to celebrate with you. Some people will try to talk you out of God's plan for your life if you let them.

What I love about Dream City Church—and the reason I am so excited—is that we did not get here alone.

Nope...every step of the way, we have been surrounded by encouraging voices, and so many have come alongside Dream City to make us who we are as a church!

We could not have done it without you!

Because you served...

Because you invited...

Because you supported Dream City financially...

We can celebrate that we are STILL HERE!

By the way, it’s not lost on me that just as the gestational period of a baby is nine months before birth—and since we just celebrated the birth of our fifth child, Shepard Coffman, on August 1st—I can see God's hand in all of this...

When I think about the nine-month gestation period of a baby, it strikes me as a powerful metaphor for our journey as a church.

Just as a baby prepares to enter the world during this time, I believe that Dream City Church has been in its own period of preparation.

In fact, with the birth of Shepard, I can't help but see this as a confirmation, a "God wink," that we are on the brink of something extraordinary.

This period has been filled with growth, nurturing, and development—much like the process of bringing a new life into the world.

The anticipation we felt as we waited for that first cry of our newborn is mirrored in my heart as I anticipate EVERYTHING that God is going to do among us in the coming days.

Now , as we have arrived at our own 'birth' as a church, I genuinely believe we are poised to witness incredible transformations and breakthroughs.

I am asking all of us to join me in this celebration! Because I believe that what lies ahead for Dream City Church is nothing short of miraculous!

Dream City, we have something we can all be excited about.

I LOVE what Jesus is doing in our church, and I really believe that we are on the cusp of witnessing even greater things among us!

I also want to emphasize that this means we must pull together LIKE NEVER BEFORE!

Let’s keep SERVING! If you haven't found a place to serve yet here at Dream City, please come see me THIS Sunday! We have SO many areas where we need FAITHFUL people to help us build the Kingdom of God!

Let’s keep INVITING! Help spread the word about what Jesus is doing here! Reach out to your friends and family and don’t just invite them...BRING THEM to church with you!

Never underestimate the power of a simple invite!

SEVEN of the most powerful and LIFE-CHANGING words are, "Will you come with me to church?"

And FIVE words that will get them to say YES are, "Lunch is on me after!" Seriously, try it!

The last thing we need you to consider is to continue...

..supporting Dream City financially! If you are a ministry partner with us, I want to say THANK YOU!

This above-and-beyond regular support goes a long way!

To everyone who calls Dream City home, thank you for returning the tithe and being so faithful when needs arise!

The reason we can celebrate what Jesus is doing through Dream City Church is that you are allowing Him to use your generosity to make this happen!

People are meeting Jesus, our church IS growing, and we have just been BORN to do even GREATER things!

Let’s prepare and get ready to see God do even GREATER things!

I love you all! I celebrate you!

See you tomorrow at church! It's all about Jesus!

The BEST is yet to come! -PZ

Hey there! I really appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog. We are committed to creating an environment where people can meet Jesus every single week! If you're interested in contributing financially to Dream City Church and helping us create more amazing content like this, tap the Give button below to continue supporting the incredible work of Jesus in our church! -PZ

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